How Am I Connected To Those in The Past

I am connected to those in the past because some of them are our ancestors and we learn from them. Also things like bloodline, genes, memories and religion. So last week Ms. Angle assigned us to do a project on a timeline from 2016 to about 20 years back. On one side we have our personal events on the other side we have world events, as I was searching up world events I learned some new things I didn’t even know about. This time line also helps us show how we are connected to those in the past.

My grandfather is from Saudi Arabia and my grandmother is from Italy, so I got to learn about these two different countries, and how they do things there. I also learned about their foods, cultures, religions and I also got to learn how speak both languages Arabic and Italian. These two cultures have affected me in many ways like the biggest thing that affected me from the Italian side is that we are very open minded to basically anything, and the biggest thing that affected me from the Arabic side is that we are generous, generosity is a very important thing in the Arabic culture. But something from both cultures that affected me is that we value family very much. And that is how it affected my life.

A world event that I think affected the present is google. Google was created in 1998, I think it affected the present a lot because, it made information more accessible to people all around the world. It’s also easier to find information about your favourite subject, place or person. But one the other hand, it made people dependent on it so they no longer need to remember or memorize information because they can just search it up. I choose Google as my event because it really changed people’s lives and made it much more efficient.

Everyone is connected to the past in different ways, many people are affected from different things. But our lives moves and that is how we create memories from the past.


By: Felwa